Friday, October 1, 2010

Dog, part 3

Dog's stitches came out yesterday, and thankfully, her biopsy results were negative, so there were lots of reasons to celebrate. Her vet said that knee surgery is a viable option, and that she recommends it happen in March. This will give me some time to get some money together and pay for it, and maybe by then I'll have figured out if I'm going to stay in the area, or if I'm going to move.

As contingency, I've been looking for a place to live. I started looking at condos, and thus far, am overwhelmed and disappointed. As a single person, my income is not very high. Which means that I can afford a hovel in the ghetto in the asscheek of West Nowhere. I went to see one and ended up laughing so hard after the fact because there was NO WAY I could live there, even though it was affordable. I'd be the only person in a neighborhood full of meth zombies. Yeah. So, that's been unintentionally hilarious.

But! The bright side of all of this is that Dog is OK. She won't care if we stay where we are currently, or if we move--- even if we're surrounded by dealers, pimps, whores, and addicts. She'll be happy wherever, so long as someone is there to rub her belly.

Oh, Dog...


Annah said...

Congratulations! :) I love my dogs like if they were my children and freak out every time they have to go to the vet.

Gill said...

Thanks! It was a really horrible waiting period if only because I hated watching her crash into things (and felt SO GUILTY every time I would laugh).