Monday, October 25, 2010

Dog, Part 5

Dog had a successful surgery!

One of her knees has been fixed with a lateral cruciate ligament tie, and she is convalescing in her crate. She had been really good on Saturday about not licking her incision, so I let her sleep without the cone... until 2 am Sunday when I awoke to slurpy noises and a guilty furry face. She had licked out a staple, so the cone went back on and will remain until the staples are out.

Aside from her very undignified cone and awkward hobbling on three legs, everything is good for Dog. She gets scrambled eggs for breakfast, and boiled hamburger with rice for dinner; she lounges on her bed while watching TV with my mom; she even gets plain yogurt as a treat (her favorite!) Her pills come inside a little piece of hotdog or cheese, and she takes them without complaint. Such a good little patient.

Here's Dog, in her crate this morning, looking crabby because I turned the light on.

PS: Yes, they shaved half of her backside. And yes, that is a bald spot on her side where they applied a fentanyl patch. I cranked up the heat in the house so that her poor nekkid hind leg wouldn't get cold.

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