Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dog, part two

My little Conehead's biopsy results came back this morning.

I am happy to report that her tumor came back as being a benign adenoma, and we will be replacing her knees in the coming months.

But first, heres how this went down:

Me: (Seeing the vet's number flash on my cell phone display) Oh God... [hyperventillates; runs from lab]

Vet: Hi, it's Dr. Vet, Im calling with Dog's biopsy results...

Me: Oh God, please dont tell me anything if she has cancer; just hang up on me.

Vet: Oh, no no.... her results came back fine. The tumor was just a large adenoma. The lab reports that its entirely benign. She's going to be just fine. How are her stitches?

Me: Her what?

Needless to say, I managed to devolve into a blubbery mess within a manner of seconds. I was overwhelmed by relief that Dog is going to be just fine once her knees are fixed. I have this tendency to jump immediately to the worst possible outcome, just as a defense method, so that when something NOT the worst possible outcome happens, Im always relieved. It takes a lot out of me. I feel like I might pass out right now, but that would not be appreciated by the audit team thats walking through the lab right now... :)

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