Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dog, Part 4: Return to the Cone of Shame

Dog goes in for the first of two knee surgeries tomorrow morning. Though I had originally planned to wait until March to schedule it, several factors made me push the time frame up. The worst was watching Dog fall down the stairs because her hindquarters have zero strength/stability because both her ACLs and an MCL are shot. At first it was hilarious, and then the realization of what was happening set in, and I quickly went from giggling to feeling horrible. So, I called Dr. Vet, and made a plan. I asked Boss-Man if I could be in late, which is gratefully he said is not an issue ("I would have to be seriously evil to tell you no; like, Dr. Mengele level of evil to say no to you being an hour late so you can bring your crippled dog in for surgery"). Poor Dog doesn't know she's in for a second round of two-weeks-time in the Cone of Shame. I'm going to try to rebrand it the Cone of Destiny, to make it sound better for her.

Her ACL and MCL in her left hind leg are thoroughly shot, so they're replacing them altogether. It will be a long recovery time, probably, considering how old she is. But, she's in good shape, so she won't take forever. And she's a Lab/mutt mix, so she has what Dr. Vet refers to as "hybrid vigor." I like the sound of that.

Honolulu, Part 2 is upcoming. In just under four weeks, I will be scoping out paradise with my girl GC for a house I will never rent, and a job I will never apply for; Dog won't be able to travel after surgery. And I wont be able to afford to, either. However, there's nothing in the world that would make me choose otherwise; Dog deserves all the love and care she needs and thensome. Id rather have Dog than live in paradise, and considering where I live currently... that's saying something.

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