Friday, October 29, 2010

Nap Time

October is almost over. How did that happen?! It went by so fast! I guess time flies when your dog has surgery, and then your dad has an “atypical cardiac event,” and then more people get laid off, and then you’re taking care of your dog that has had surgery again.

I often find myself wondering why time passes as it does, flying by in fun times, and dragging on forever at others. This usually happens when I am given uninteresting assignments to do, or not enough work to occupy my spastic little brain. It’s this spastic quality of mine that leads me to long, dramatic nap times wherein I dream about awesome things like being a mermaid who lives in a sunken pirate ship somewhere near Tahiti. (Mermaid Me also wears a coconut shell top and miles of pearls. Mermaid Me has a friend in Mermaid JD, who wears lots of emeralds so we don’t get our accessories confused.)

That might have been the best dream ever. The pirate ship I lived in was in this very pretty lagoon where there were lots of exotic fish. My pirate-ship/apartment was also home to Mermaid JD, and a talking shark that resembled the white in Finding Nemo. He cooked for us, though, and we didn’t mind that he liked to eat fish and had no friends (“Fish are food, not friends!”) outside of us. Apparently, Mermaid Me could play the ukulele, which is pretty awesome because real life me can’t carry a tune in a bucket. There was a big rock that jutted out of the water that I liked to sit on and play, half in the water and half out. Not much really happened in the dream, but it was pretty sweet.

Vivid dreams are some times disappointing. I have them, and then I wake up to my reality. It’s like expecting to get that one seriously amazing Christmas present you really, really, really, really wanted when you were a kid, but instead you open your last gift and it’s a sweater.

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