Monday, January 3, 2011

Year of Austerity

I was thinking over the week-long break I was able to enjoy that last year was my Year of Irresponsibility. I resolved last year to have a huge amount of fun, do what I want, and deal with the consequences later. Having gone through the photos I accumulated over the course of 2010, I would say I did a pretty good job of that.

Now that its 2011, its time for me to change it up. This year is the Year of Austerity. I'm going to pay off my credit card, pay off at least one of my student loans, and pay my mom back the money she loaned me for my carpet deposit. It will definitely not be a year that is as memorable for its fun the way that 2010 was, but in the long run it will probably be good for me.

So, here are my goals for 2011:
1. Pay off credit card (wont take too long-- balance is less than 3gs)
2. Pay my mom back for the carpet deposit
3. Throw huge amounts of money at my student loans
4. Pay off my car loan
5. Find a new place to live
6. Play with my dogs
7. Have fun in New England instead of jetting off to somewhere exotic

So, this year I'm trying to be as responsible as possible.

...we'll see how long this lasts.

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