Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Demise of A Newly Minted "Adult"

I made it 20 days into 2011 without going anywhere outside of the Mid-Atlantic states. I am moderately impressed by my restraint.
Unfortunately, this morning I was notified of ridiculously low airfare to Key West, and yielded to my weakness. So in a mere 40 days, Ill be headed to the gorgeous sundrenched Florida Keys to stay with the fabulous GC. It'll be a lovely 9 day excursion, and this time Im flying instead of driving (WOO!!).

Really, I did the math this morning. Last time I went, I split tolls, a hotel, and gas one-way with GC. The whole thing was about ~$275. For a mere $50 more, I will make it there in 6 hours, instead of 27. No stress, no traffic, no overwhelming urge to pass out at the wheel. Its a surprising fare, primarily because flying into Key West International Airport is notoriously expensive. Im talking upwards of $700 when I looked last for a trip in January back in October. With the exception of this fare, Ive only seen airfare to Key West at prices higher than a flight to Honolulu.

I am duly impressed, Delta Airlines/Orbitz. I tip my hat. You both must be desperate to whip up some business. Seriously, kudos, because it worked. I have been watching the Key West Six-toed Cat Cam ads all week prior to leaving for work in the morning; I have been bitterly complaining about the unfairness of it all. How cruel is it to show white sand, blue skies, and people in shorts and tanks and bathing suits when here at home it is grey, 19 degrees F, and theres a good 42" of snow that has fallen, with another 8-12" predicted? Ads like that should be outlawed as cruel and unusual punishment for those of us in the northern climes.

But I digress.

Like my title says, this signals the demise of my attempt at adulthood. My New Years Resolution of staying home and saving money has erroded at 20 days. I dont think I was really cut out for homeownership anyway. Its all for the best, really. :)

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