Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Never Ending Week...

...continues. Its only Thursday (she whined, dispassionately flinging herself prostrate upon her work surface)!

I know... I had a whole nice long break before Christmas until the Monday following New Year off, and now Im whining because I'm at work. I am grateful to have a job (don't get me wrong--- really, REALLY grateful), but some weeks just seem to take forever to finish. This week happens to be one of them.

I think it's mostly because I am struggling so much with the whole adulthood thing. Swapping from Irresponsibile to Responsible has been waaay harder than expected. I knew it would be an adjustment, but good grief. This is particularly painful.

People continue to post photos to Facebook. I can't tell if they're taunting me specifically, because they have been informed of my Year of Austerity, or just sharing their respectively awesome trips. Either option is equally likely, especially since I spent all of last year doing the very same thing to them. My friend from college AWP is going to Vegas for a week. She announced this last night. I am going no where. I am heartbroken. It's like kicking a puppy, it seems. . . to me, at least.

So here I am. Stuggling to complete a workday Thursday. I have another hour and 5 minutes to go. Not that I am counting, of course. Wrestling with this particular package has been exceptionally difficult. I am truly grateful that we only get this material in once or twice a year.

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