Thursday, September 16, 2010


Im gonna go off a little bit right here, because I am at the end of my rope.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned in a post about a former friend who sent me a ridiculous number of emails and texts and phonecalls and blah blah blah without getting any sort of response from me. I did this because I very clearly told her I DO NOT WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE. I do not know how much more clear I could be.

And for a while, all things were good. She seemed to get the point.

...and then the emails started again.

This is when I start to lose my sh*t because I have in no way encouraged this. Insane people just seem to magically find me. It happens to me with boyfriends, with lab partners, and now people I used to work with at a job I no longer have. I wonder, Am I a crazy people magnet? Or is there a reason insanity really likes me?

I knew once this woman sent me one email -about a fricken road race of all things- I knew others would follow. I had that familiar sense of sick dread. You know the one-- the one where you stomach gets all gnarly and it feels like your bellybutton is gonna collapse into your butt. There was the random recipe. Then there was the unsolicited training update. And finally, there was an animated .gif of some small child being runover by a dog. These, being sent to my work email, cannot be blocked because I am an Outlook Explorer retard who can't figure out how to make "rules" and have certain email addresses blocked or designated immediately as trash.

I have ducked and hidden and sneaked around work to avoid having to interact with her. I know this is immature. I simply do not care. I see her in the cafe, and I whip around and go back from whence I came in order to avoid her. Shes not a bad person, she's just a psycho who doesn't understand boundaries. This sucks when it happens, but it sucks worse at the workplace because unless I change companies (which, HA! in this economy), I have to continue risking an encounter.

 I would rather risk an encounter with a bear.
Or an alien.
Or a really big spider. (And I hate those!)
I could go on. But I won't. I just wish there was some sort of spray, like Psycho Repellant, that would keep Crazy People away.


Along These Lines ... said...

Awkward situation. To block emails in Outlook, just open an email from the person you want to block, click on message (top of page), then block sender. If you're using Office Outlook (which a lot of colleges do) just go to options, then Junk E-mail, then block sender list.

And you'll never hear from that sweet person again.

Gill said...

Thank you for the information! I used it, and have blocked another 15 emails! :)