Friday, September 10, 2010


Now that the dust has settled, the pieces are starting to fall back into place after the most recent round of layoffs here at work. Its been quite a change, and definitely not one Im entirely thrilled by. JL and JN were let go, and my boss is leaving voluntarily. So, two of my favorite coworkers ever and the best boss Ive yet to have are gone. The lab is now shorthanded, and theres been an influx of work to conduct; plus they're looking to ramp up manufacturing downstairs for some product or another.

Having had some time to look at the choices that were made by HR, I have to question: why were these two let go?  The only reason I can come up with is the price of their salaries. However, they were two of the best people we had--- and I mean, the company got its moneys worth from them. No resting on their laurels for them.

The point being, the transition phase has been hard on those of us remaining. I spoke with JL and JN a few days ago, and theyre both really, truly happy to be free of this place. Their attitudes are remarkable, and I am jealous of their freedom. I feel fortunate to have a job, but I am envious of their 6 months free from work related stress.

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