Sunday, September 19, 2010


My dog has had surgery on her rear end in order to remove a tumor. Poor thing is wearing a cone of shame around her neck that prevents her sniffing or licking her incision. However, this annoying piece of plastic also prevents her from:

*Going up stairs

*Going down stairs

*Eating or drinking


*Sniffing my other dog for doggie socializing

She's thankfully heavily sedated. And on pain killers. The way she keeps bumping into stuff (chairs, walls, the back of my knees...) she's going to have a killer headache when the cone comes off. Stitches are out at the end of next week; I'll hear about the tumor biopsy results by the end of this week. Keep fingers crossed that she will be okay.

If she is okay, her knees will be replaced. So long, Hawaii; it was a nice dream while it lasted.

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