Monday, February 28, 2011

Wierd Dreams

So, last night in between carrying Dog up and down the stairs, when I finally was able to get some sleep, I had some of the most bizarre dreams Ive ever had. I frequently have quite vivid dreams, and I am one of those people who have tactile dreams (ie, I go swimming in the dream, and I can feel water lapping at my skin). This has both benefits and drawbacks, but thats not the point.

The point is this:
Last night, I dreamt that I went swimming in the Gulf of Mexico and got stung by a jellyfish. Then, I slowly morphed into a doughnut. Yes, a jelly doughnut. The transformation was slow and painful, and I remember thinking God I hope I dont lose my legs in front of a police station.

Yes, I am a wierd, wierd humanoid. At least for the time being.

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