Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh, the Humanity!

Clearly, this is a post with a very maudlin, hypermelodramatic theme. Just go with it.

Ive been looking for a place for me and Dog to live for about two months now. Its become most seriously annoying. Every place that allows dogs is about $9,024,957, out of my price range, and even then is still the size of my car. Oh, and the places that are in my price range? Size of a matchbox car, and they dont allow dogs.

Poor Dog, she's starting to get a complex. She's a snuggly quiet little nugget o' love who only occasionally misbehaves. And the misbehaving is never chewing shoes or tearing carpets or barking. Its always running around with a toy in her mouth, mooing, while she tries to get me to pay attention to her at a moment when Im otherwise occupied. I know every dog owner thinks their dog is the BEST DOG EVER, but I think Dog actually is. She is quiet, non-smelly (except the faint wafting odor of Fritos since her last grooming), non-farty, and exceptionally cuddly. I would trust her with a newborn baby on the floor covered in peanut butter and steak.

Needless to say, I am having a hard time accepting that prospective landlords are unwilling to even negotiate on the issue. Its been really frustrating. I always mention upfront that she has to come with me, and that I am willing to pay an extra $100/month for her and have the rugs cleaned (if there are rugs) when I move out. So far, nothing. I keep looking, because god knows if I stay where I am, someone will be leaving in handcuffs. My April move-date might have to be pushed back, though, if I keep encountering this kind of rejection.

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