Tuesday, February 22, 2011


As evidenced by my previous post, I had nearly come to the end of my rope and was considering tying some knots in it and swinging from tree to tree with said rope after the nightmare that has been apartment searching. I use the past-tense now because....I found a place!

It was no small feat. Let me explain.

I have been looking in an area that is more metropolitan than suburban, mostly for my mental health. The housewives of Suburbia look at me like Im a wierd combination of Wh*re and Leper. (Please. Like I would ever go near your fat, short, bald husbands, you judgy harpies. I aint interested.) At first, I thought it was all in my head, and then someone else mentioned it to me, and I felt less insane. Which was nice for a change. Usually I feel like Im taking crazy pills, so any sense of sanity is appreciated.

Like I mentioned, this metropolitan area is notorious for its rather steep rent, and for its centrality to lots and lots of jobs, young people, stuff to do, fun bars, public transit, and museums. (My favorite!) I had seen some seriously scummy areas while looking for an apartment. None of which included parking. So, these tiny, scummy apartments in less-than-safe neighborhoods, which were what I could afford, would have an additional charge for parking, for pets, and to say nothing of utilities. I was most seriously dishearted. All of a sudden, the $900 apartment was $1200, for something the size of a billards table, and was unsecure at best.
I live alone. Im female. I really can't sleep if I am afraid someone is going to break in.

I found a place that included parking, heat and hot water in the rent. And the landlord is an animal lover, so there is no extra charge to have Dog with me. I think I stood in that apartment for all of five minutes before I decided I was going to rent it. Its clean, its bright, its well-maintained. I think itll be a good fit for me and Dog. Yes, it is a bit small. Its a studio apartment, so there's not a lot of free room. Luckilly, Dog and I dont really need much space. I just needed a place that would allow me to have her. I am thrilled to be moving in less than a week.
Also in less than a week? Key West. Aww yeah.

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