Monday, July 26, 2010

Starting From Zero

I had surgery in the very early part of 2010 on my left knee. I had been ordered by my surgeon to stay off of it in August of '09, and a week after the incisions were made, she told me to stay off of it until July except for walking around associated with working. Emphatically: NO RUNNING until July.

Well, July is here. I started "running" again on the first day I was allowed to, and it felt heinous. Mentally, I know I am capable of faster, longer, easier runs than what I have been doing, so it has been grueling to stick to slow paces and short distances as I work back to where I was. Not entirely sure that I'll ever get back there, but I am trying.

Unfortunately, the going is slow, as is necessitated by the nature of my original injury and consequential surgery. I am thrilled to be up to 2 miles. I wish it were 22, but, its not. In the process of returning to my higher mileage/faster paced runs, Ill be learning how to lift again.

Lots of work in front of me. Im not too thrilled, but not too intimidated. I really enjoy a challenge, but this seems a little daunting.

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