Thursday, July 8, 2010

Honolulu, Take II

Well, I had a seriously lovely surprise yesterday morning. Fortuitous. Serendipitous.

For the last couple of months, under the gun of possibly being laid off, I have been researching options. I am currently enrolled in an EMT-B program. Since I'm fairly certain that I'm going to be laid off, I needed a way to get a job in a crappy market; since Massachusetts is in the midst of a hugescandal involving paramedics/emts falsifying re-certifications, chances are good that I will be able to land one pretty fast.
I've been kicking around the idea of moving to Hawaii for some time, now. I'm quite serious about it, actually, which is a change for me. Arranging a cross-country move is hard enough, and the move is trans-Pacific. So I figured that returning would be a good idea to get a feel for the place outside of the scope of vacation.

That brings us to yesterday.
One of the few friends (seriously, like, 3) who lives in Honolulu sent me a message asking when I was coming back. I responded that I'd return when I knew what my vacation allotment would be. Out of boredom while standardizing the Karl Fischer autotitrator, I checked out flights at Orbitz.

I found a roundtrip flight from Logan to Honolulu for $587.

So, hot damn! I bought it, and am returning to check out apartments, employment, and education situations when I go there. (I almost typed 'home.' I should have left it that way!)

It's destiny!

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