Saturday, December 18, 2010


Last night was a great night.

I went to visit JD, who had a long and disappointing week. After interviewing for a job three times over the course of two months, she was informed with a form letter that she was not offered a job. Her mood was quite south of jolly. Me? I was all disoriented from a couple of out-of-nowhere revelations about family and friends, so I wasn't entirely myself, either. So, I brought over a big bottle of wine and we ordered a white pizza from the place around the corner from her apartment. We watched a bunch of wierd movies and had some good laughs and deep conversations-- one of which was waaay too intellectual for a drunken midnight.

Sleeping in was nice, too-- I hadn't done that in quite some time. We grabbed some brunch at a local place, and then took a nice stroll through the neighborhood. I found a jar of local honey, and it was delicious! We even gave directions to some lost person; I hope they were right...

Anyway, by the time I left at noon, I was feeling happier, and I think JD was too. Sometimes you just need a good night with some friends to lift your spirits. Having been friends since we were 14, I think that just the company can be comforting. It's nice, almost like having another sister. You don't need to say anything, but you just know you're with someone who gets it, whatever it might be.

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