Thursday, November 18, 2010

Island Time

I'm back from my 5 day stint in Honolulu. (Stint, like its a prison sentence...?) Anyway, it was a gorgeous, hilarious time. There was much hilarity involved, especially on the first day GC and I were there.
As in:

1) We booked a swim with dolphins tour that catered specifically to Japanese tourists. Hi, we don't speak Japanese. That was....awkward. Especially when the boat crew asked us if we could swim and both replied, "Well, yeah, duh. Who'd go on a swimming tour without being able to swim?!" and he pointedly looked at the rest of the boat.

2) One of the deckhands is a world-champion firedancer. He offered us half-priced tickets to the luau he worked at after the tour ended. We got what amounted to "VIP" treatment--- a table abutting the stage, autographed posters, and an entouraged escourt back to our transportation.

3) We spent a couple nights with GCs friend from back home. Her three boys are under the age of 7. The 15 month old loved me. This is hilarious to me for reasons unknown. GCs friend is listed as totally awesome (and should be given the opportunity to be sainted).

4) I didn't actually adjust to island time until Monday. I left Tuesday. Hence, I am still on island time, and feel like roadkill when my alarm goes off at 5 to get to work. My body rebels and says "...NO! It's midnight!" I am afraid I will give in to that tomorrow morning.

5) I spent a couple hours at the airport in tears, trying to figure out a way to "miss my plane" so I could stay. Because I suck at math, I couldn't make the numbers work so I got on my flight and came home. On that flight? Six annoyingly amped-up Valley girls, and a smattering of small children. Two of those small children sat behind me and wailed the whole six hours to San Fransisco; one of them kicked my seat for the vast majority of the flight until I turned around and asked his mother to please contain him.

There will be a better summation later. When my thoughts extend beyond, Please let this day be over so I can go home and sleep.

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