Monday, June 21, 2010


Have a lot to update on, and not a lot of time.

1. Am taking an EMT-B course in case I get laid off. Which is 80-90% likely.

2. Have been cleared to start running again by the end of June. WOOHOO!!

3. Am going whitewater rafting in July. CANNOT. WAIT.

4. Moved. Again.

5. Am movING to the West coast, hopefully by this time next year. (Decisions, decisions!)

6. Ended a very harrassing friendship. 47 emails, 12 texts, 6 phone calls, 2 facebook messages. All in ONE DAY from ONE PERSON WITHOUT RECEIVING A SINGLE RESPONSE. (Normal people dont do stuff like that. I have had my fill of crazy--- byebye, ex-friend.)

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