Tuesday, August 23, 2011


OK, so I haven't really written much since March. Here's a quick recap of March through August 2011.

*April 09-- broke my elbow falling off a rock gym bouldering wall. Was out of work from 10 April til beginning of June.

*June-- went to Portland Oregon after returning to work. Got to see EL, meet her boyfriend, play with her dogs, and enjoy the delectable Pacific Northwest ambiance. And wine.

*June-- Got laid off. This was really unpleasant.

*July 02-- my layoff officially begins. Take off for the Summer Funemployment Tour with SA. We plan to get to Santa Monica, but don't make it. The air conditioner of my car doesn't work, so we made it to North Carolina, and called it quits. Managed to miss my friend's wedding when my car broke down. We eventually see Cape Hatteras, Kill Devils Hill, the rest of the Outer Banks, Virginia Beach, Washington DC, and Atlantic  City.

*August- Still unemployed in spite of valiant efforts to apply for work. Deep depression sinks in.

*August is ending soon. Still no job. Humiliatingly, must move in order to not be evicted for non-payment of rent. Continue looking for work.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Key West 2011

Theres really only one word that will adequately describe the Key West Experience of 2011. That word would be "Wow."

Aside from the usual debauchery that occurs any time there are friends in large groupings, there was a lot of staying out til 5am, and then sleeping til 4pm (mostly from my friends, and less so from me-- my body hates me and wakes me up at 7am regardless of how late ive been out). There was lots of beach trips that started out still drunk and ended quickly on the sand as the hangover hit like a ton of booze-scented bricks. It was spring break for a couple of major colleges, and so there were a ton of 18-21 year olds, most of whom were of the flabby, jiggly, overly-nekkid persuasion. I love being almost 30, and looking better than them. Score one for nerdiness, and only occasional binge drinking.

Duval Street was a mess of beads, sloshed drinks, body paint, nekkid people, screaming and crying college co-eds, stumbling frat boys in variations of a crappy uniform of Abercrombie-knockoffs with flipflops and backwards hats, mounted policemen, and annoyed locals. Oh, and some guy dealing weed on the trunk of a police cruiser while the cop stood on the corner and flirted with some girl. That was kinda funny.

The weather was gorgeous. I took some really beautiful photos. There were lots of laughs, and some irritating people. Overall, it was a fun trip. Ill post some pictures sooner or later.

However, the flights there and back were less than lovely. Most of the problems were due to the fact that Atlanta International is a sh*tty airport. Nothing ever goes according to plan there, and Delta is the worst airline on the planet. I try extremely hard to avoid them, but man, they seem to be the only carriers to the places I go. My flight home from ATL was delayed more than an hour because Delta screwed up some other connecting flights, so more than 30 people on various flights missed their planes home to MA. Instead of letting us go off on time, they held the flight, rebooked all the people who missed their flights onto my plane, and then there were mechanical issues.

Though, Id have glad dealt with a longer delay for mechanical issue if I could have avoided the turbulence all the way from ATL to MA. Im a decent passenger, but for the whole 2 hour trip, I white-knuckled it home and bit off all my fingernails in the process. Holy cow, I have never experienced turbulence like that before, and I hope never to again. Stupid thunderstorms.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Wierd Dreams

So, last night in between carrying Dog up and down the stairs, when I finally was able to get some sleep, I had some of the most bizarre dreams Ive ever had. I frequently have quite vivid dreams, and I am one of those people who have tactile dreams (ie, I go swimming in the dream, and I can feel water lapping at my skin). This has both benefits and drawbacks, but thats not the point.

The point is this:
Last night, I dreamt that I went swimming in the Gulf of Mexico and got stung by a jellyfish. Then, I slowly morphed into a doughnut. Yes, a jelly doughnut. The transformation was slow and painful, and I remember thinking God I hope I dont lose my legs in front of a police station.

Yes, I am a wierd, wierd humanoid. At least for the time being.


So, Dog slipped on the ice yesterday. She cant put any weight on the leg she had knee surgery on back in the fall. I have a sinking feeling poor Dog is going to need to have a second surgery on that knee.


Friday, February 25, 2011

The Upper Gauley

Last night, while watching a movie I really shouldn't have been watching, MO and I discussed the possibility of an adventure trip this summer to West Virginia. While West Virginia itself conjures old people with straw in their mouths on rocking chairs, moonshine, rickety guns, and meth zombies for me, it is also home to the best Class V rapids on the East coast. The Gauley River runs through the state of West Virginia, and is classified as Upper and Lower, based on a couple of factors, but the one that matters to me and MO is the rapids classification. The Upper Gauley is about 10 miles of more difficult water (IV and V), whereas the Lower Gauley is about 11 miles of easier II and III.


Now, anyone who knows me and MO in real life, knows that we are both a bit obsessed with adventure sports. And they also know that we are more than slightly preoccupied with a movie called "The Descent." "The Descent" takes place in a National Park in West Virginia; we are already squealing about how we are going to act out scenes from the movie.

We've been climbing a lot more frequently this year than in years past, and we're working on getting qualified to take a lead climbing course. I do not know if we've decided to go caving and climbing while we're in WV, but I wouldnt be surprised if we do.


So, this is exciting. I love beaches and all, but I think this might be the highlight of the summer. Here's hoping we can get our friends together for an adventure!
*Photos arent mine; not trying to pass them off as mine, or profit from them. Google images, ladies and gentlemen-- not mine.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


As evidenced by my previous post, I had nearly come to the end of my rope and was considering tying some knots in it and swinging from tree to tree with said rope after the nightmare that has been apartment searching. I use the past-tense now because....I found a place!

It was no small feat. Let me explain.

I have been looking in an area that is more metropolitan than suburban, mostly for my mental health. The housewives of Suburbia look at me like Im a wierd combination of Wh*re and Leper. (Please. Like I would ever go near your fat, short, bald husbands, you judgy harpies. I aint interested.) At first, I thought it was all in my head, and then someone else mentioned it to me, and I felt less insane. Which was nice for a change. Usually I feel like Im taking crazy pills, so any sense of sanity is appreciated.

Like I mentioned, this metropolitan area is notorious for its rather steep rent, and for its centrality to lots and lots of jobs, young people, stuff to do, fun bars, public transit, and museums. (My favorite!) I had seen some seriously scummy areas while looking for an apartment. None of which included parking. So, these tiny, scummy apartments in less-than-safe neighborhoods, which were what I could afford, would have an additional charge for parking, for pets, and to say nothing of utilities. I was most seriously dishearted. All of a sudden, the $900 apartment was $1200, for something the size of a billards table, and was unsecure at best.
I live alone. Im female. I really can't sleep if I am afraid someone is going to break in.

I found a place that included parking, heat and hot water in the rent. And the landlord is an animal lover, so there is no extra charge to have Dog with me. I think I stood in that apartment for all of five minutes before I decided I was going to rent it. Its clean, its bright, its well-maintained. I think itll be a good fit for me and Dog. Yes, it is a bit small. Its a studio apartment, so there's not a lot of free room. Luckilly, Dog and I dont really need much space. I just needed a place that would allow me to have her. I am thrilled to be moving in less than a week.
Also in less than a week? Key West. Aww yeah.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh, the Humanity!

Clearly, this is a post with a very maudlin, hypermelodramatic theme. Just go with it.

Ive been looking for a place for me and Dog to live for about two months now. Its become most seriously annoying. Every place that allows dogs is about $9,024,957, out of my price range, and even then is still the size of my car. Oh, and the places that are in my price range? Size of a matchbox car, and they dont allow dogs.

Poor Dog, she's starting to get a complex. She's a snuggly quiet little nugget o' love who only occasionally misbehaves. And the misbehaving is never chewing shoes or tearing carpets or barking. Its always running around with a toy in her mouth, mooing, while she tries to get me to pay attention to her at a moment when Im otherwise occupied. I know every dog owner thinks their dog is the BEST DOG EVER, but I think Dog actually is. She is quiet, non-smelly (except the faint wafting odor of Fritos since her last grooming), non-farty, and exceptionally cuddly. I would trust her with a newborn baby on the floor covered in peanut butter and steak.

Needless to say, I am having a hard time accepting that prospective landlords are unwilling to even negotiate on the issue. Its been really frustrating. I always mention upfront that she has to come with me, and that I am willing to pay an extra $100/month for her and have the rugs cleaned (if there are rugs) when I move out. So far, nothing. I keep looking, because god knows if I stay where I am, someone will be leaving in handcuffs. My April move-date might have to be pushed back, though, if I keep encountering this kind of rejection.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My New Challenge

Aside from my love of travel, those who know me in person know how much I love a good challenge. I can be goaded into almost anything in the guise of a challenge. I say "almost anything" because I dohave some limits. Heh.

SM challenged me to see who can travel the most this year, and while we have decided upon very, very subjective criteria to decide who has the "coolest" trip, it promises to be a very fun one. (I hate to brag, but while SM has taken an early lead with a trip to Mexico, I am shortly on my way to Key West, and then to Portland Oregon. If you're reading this, SM, you're goin' down!)

This is not, however, the challenge Im talking about.

My latest challenge is to really learn how to rock climb. Im not talking about just going up any ol' route. Im talking being able to pick a route, stick to it, and use technique to get up to the top. Ive been doing some low-key bouldering for a while now, but Ive decided that it's time to kick it up a bit. Im looking to take a class on technique.

HB loves to climb on belay. I am not a belay type of person. I lost a piercing when my parachute deployed, and it was so painful and traumatic that I resist wearing a harness when I climb at all costs. I prefer the bouldering wall, where gravity is your worst enemy, and you know you're going to fall flat on your back. Hopefully you hit a mat, and not an unsupervised child running over your mat. (More on that some other day.)

Ive been climbing V0s for the last two weeks. Im getting progressively better, which is nice. I am not quite able to climb V1s yet, which is disappointing because theyre the next level up. Something to work at I guess. I need V0.5 so that I can improve a little without the frustration.

So far, its been a fun experiment. Ive been unable to open doors for the last few weeks, but thats how that works sometimes...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Not For Nothing, But...

...there's a Wind Chill Warning here in Massachusetts. As in, it's -30 degrees farenheit with the wind chill factored in, and expected to drop some more tonight.

...It's 75 degrees in Key West right now.

blerg... why do I live in Massachuesetts?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Demise of A Newly Minted "Adult"

I made it 20 days into 2011 without going anywhere outside of the Mid-Atlantic states. I am moderately impressed by my restraint.
Unfortunately, this morning I was notified of ridiculously low airfare to Key West, and yielded to my weakness. So in a mere 40 days, Ill be headed to the gorgeous sundrenched Florida Keys to stay with the fabulous GC. It'll be a lovely 9 day excursion, and this time Im flying instead of driving (WOO!!).

Really, I did the math this morning. Last time I went, I split tolls, a hotel, and gas one-way with GC. The whole thing was about ~$275. For a mere $50 more, I will make it there in 6 hours, instead of 27. No stress, no traffic, no overwhelming urge to pass out at the wheel. Its a surprising fare, primarily because flying into Key West International Airport is notoriously expensive. Im talking upwards of $700 when I looked last for a trip in January back in October. With the exception of this fare, Ive only seen airfare to Key West at prices higher than a flight to Honolulu.

I am duly impressed, Delta Airlines/Orbitz. I tip my hat. You both must be desperate to whip up some business. Seriously, kudos, because it worked. I have been watching the Key West Six-toed Cat Cam ads all week prior to leaving for work in the morning; I have been bitterly complaining about the unfairness of it all. How cruel is it to show white sand, blue skies, and people in shorts and tanks and bathing suits when here at home it is grey, 19 degrees F, and theres a good 42" of snow that has fallen, with another 8-12" predicted? Ads like that should be outlawed as cruel and unusual punishment for those of us in the northern climes.

But I digress.

Like my title says, this signals the demise of my attempt at adulthood. My New Years Resolution of staying home and saving money has erroded at 20 days. I dont think I was really cut out for homeownership anyway. Its all for the best, really. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Never Ending Week...

...continues. Its only Thursday (she whined, dispassionately flinging herself prostrate upon her work surface)!

I know... I had a whole nice long break before Christmas until the Monday following New Year off, and now Im whining because I'm at work. I am grateful to have a job (don't get me wrong--- really, REALLY grateful), but some weeks just seem to take forever to finish. This week happens to be one of them.

I think it's mostly because I am struggling so much with the whole adulthood thing. Swapping from Irresponsibile to Responsible has been waaay harder than expected. I knew it would be an adjustment, but good grief. This is particularly painful.

People continue to post photos to Facebook. I can't tell if they're taunting me specifically, because they have been informed of my Year of Austerity, or just sharing their respectively awesome trips. Either option is equally likely, especially since I spent all of last year doing the very same thing to them. My friend from college AWP is going to Vegas for a week. She announced this last night. I am going no where. I am heartbroken. It's like kicking a puppy, it seems. . . to me, at least.

So here I am. Stuggling to complete a workday Thursday. I have another hour and 5 minutes to go. Not that I am counting, of course. Wrestling with this particular package has been exceptionally difficult. I am truly grateful that we only get this material in once or twice a year.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Frustration Is Occurring, and It Hasnt Even Been 96 Hours

As you might have gathered from the title of this entry, I have become more than a little annoyed. I have been attempting to Be An Adult since 01 Jan.
"Be An Adult" is loosely defined as such:
1) Pay bills on time.
2) Not jet off on vacation because I can or feel like it
3) Find a place to live for more than 6 months
4) Be responsible
5) Do laundry more often so I dont end up buying new underwear to avoid washing the worn ones

As you might have deduced, my list basically entails me to act like a person, not an infant. I have to pay the piper for my Year of Irresponsibility.
I think I took too well to the irresponsibility part last year. I really, really do not want to be responsible.

Enter into evidence, Exhibit A:
An acquaintence mentioned on facebook that he's in Cancun.
My first reaction was, "I WANNA GO THERE!" and look at Orbitz for flights to Mexico.
But then, I remembered my resolution. I pouted, and closed the window before the search completed.
Crisis averted, right? Because I dont deal well with temptation.
As it turns out, not so much.
Exhibit B:
AM asked me today to help her plan a family trip to Hawaii.
^!%#$%!!!! Seriously?! Arrgh! I did. I helped, and definitely had to hold myself back from booking all the things I suggested to her for myself.

If this is being an adult, I am going to suffocate before I make it a week!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Year of Austerity

I was thinking over the week-long break I was able to enjoy that last year was my Year of Irresponsibility. I resolved last year to have a huge amount of fun, do what I want, and deal with the consequences later. Having gone through the photos I accumulated over the course of 2010, I would say I did a pretty good job of that.

Now that its 2011, its time for me to change it up. This year is the Year of Austerity. I'm going to pay off my credit card, pay off at least one of my student loans, and pay my mom back the money she loaned me for my carpet deposit. It will definitely not be a year that is as memorable for its fun the way that 2010 was, but in the long run it will probably be good for me.

So, here are my goals for 2011:
1. Pay off credit card (wont take too long-- balance is less than 3gs)
2. Pay my mom back for the carpet deposit
3. Throw huge amounts of money at my student loans
4. Pay off my car loan
5. Find a new place to live
6. Play with my dogs
7. Have fun in New England instead of jetting off to somewhere exotic

So, this year I'm trying to be as responsible as possible.

...we'll see how long this lasts.