Tuesday, August 23, 2011


OK, so I haven't really written much since March. Here's a quick recap of March through August 2011.

*April 09-- broke my elbow falling off a rock gym bouldering wall. Was out of work from 10 April til beginning of June.

*June-- went to Portland Oregon after returning to work. Got to see EL, meet her boyfriend, play with her dogs, and enjoy the delectable Pacific Northwest ambiance. And wine.

*June-- Got laid off. This was really unpleasant.

*July 02-- my layoff officially begins. Take off for the Summer Funemployment Tour with SA. We plan to get to Santa Monica, but don't make it. The air conditioner of my car doesn't work, so we made it to North Carolina, and called it quits. Managed to miss my friend's wedding when my car broke down. We eventually see Cape Hatteras, Kill Devils Hill, the rest of the Outer Banks, Virginia Beach, Washington DC, and Atlantic  City.

*August- Still unemployed in spite of valiant efforts to apply for work. Deep depression sinks in.

*August is ending soon. Still no job. Humiliatingly, must move in order to not be evicted for non-payment of rent. Continue looking for work.