Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hello, August

Thank goodness August is here. This summer has been lost to me due to class, and with the advent of August, I have only two weeks more to go. Then, I can enjoy the delicious last gasp that is the last few weeks of summer free of class and free of homework. I might actually make it to the beach before midnight.

As I mentioned, this summer has been lost to me. The EMT-B class Ive been taking has been seriously draining. All spare moments not at work, have been devoted to this class. The worst part is that we're almost double the amount of time required by the state for certification. It has been extended for only-God knows what reason--- maybe the instructor's bored or lonely. I really dont care to speculate because all I know is that its killed my summer.

Some difficulties at work have sent me searching for another employer. Im sick of dealing with the wierd BS reasons Ive been reprimanded (putting down my honest results). I might be fired, but at least I know that I did what was right and honest. While Im not thrilled with this prospect, I will manage and it wont be the end of the world. All it does is cement my desire to leave and move to Hawaii.