Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So for a while I've been pondering picking up and moving. I'm leaning heavily towards Honolulu, HI, for a multitude of reasons, mostly stemming from it's lack of snow, ice, and nine months of winter.

I spent a week in Honolulu in March, and it was AMAZING. I have dreams that I am still there; that I never left, and that I'm working in a bakery (which is hilarious to me, because I can't eat anything in  a bakery) and sharing an apartment with six other people.

While this pipedream is seriously not gonna happen, I am making moves to make the move itself actually happen. I'm downsizing my living expenses in a big way, and am looking actively for a position and apartment there. I have never really made a cross-country move like this, and am more interested in knowing if it's actually possible.

I'm not looking to stay permanently, but I am looking to stay for up to 5 years. Heres hoping for good times and success in my endeavour.