Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holy Snow

We got about ten inches this morning. Im increasingly grateful that in the next three days I will be on my way to a week in Key West. Holy crap. Couldnt have been timed better.

Am picking up GC in Conneticut, and from there we're cruisin' down the eastern seaboard until we hit our destination. Gonna be a good time, Im sure. Theres no one better suited to a road trip than GC, and Im more than stoked to be spending some time with one of my adventure buddies. Cant ever have enough adventure buddies.

The dogs are being naughty because theyre housebound with the snow being so deep. Theyre chasing each other around, and barking like crazy. Luckily, the cat's downstairs and is being pretty quiet.
Im mostly ready for christmas, which is nice. I really wish that we didnt have to work this week, but Im grateful that we all get next week off. Thats pretty generous. MO is headed to Vegas with her family, AL is staying put, SL is headed to New York to see her family, and CL is coming back to Massachusetts. I know that MK and EG's flights from Philly have been cancelled. I also know that TM and AS's flight to California have been delayed and delayed and delayed. I hope that everyone makes it to wherever they need to go.