Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Some More Awesome News

I got a new job. I GOT A NEW JOB!! WOOHOO!!!

Im so damn stoked, its almost painful. Its an internal transfer, which is easy, and makes my life pretty easy because i dont have to do exit interviews or anything like that. Its sweet. Im going to the chemistry department, which is a way more cohesive group of people--- all of whom are about my age.

In other news, I leave for vacation tomorrow morning. Im pretty pleased. I have never been to Colorado, and I havent been whitewater rafting in years, so this trip will be pretty cool. Ill try to get my group of friends to do a little rock climbing if possible. Itll be a good trip: whitewater, camping, and a truly cool cross-country drive back. We're driving GC's car back to Conneticut, so Im sure we'll do some pretty cool side-trips.  I leave really early tomorrow morning, which is both awesome and annoying, because Im on the first flight out but I have to wait several hours before any of my friends arrive at Denver. Boo. And BORING. Ill try to do a little walkabout if theres anything near the airport... though, Im sure there will not be. Airports always seem to be really removed from anything commercial.

So, Im trying to relax tonight. Ill take a nice bath, and finish my blueberry tea, play with my dogs, repack and make sure I have all of my chargers and such... itll be such a great trip. I really am excited.

On an unrelated note, I am going camping in August. And I mean, camping-camping: up there 60 miles from anything, a lake, lots of bugs, dirt, rain, tarps, spiders, campfires and all. Cant wait. I just hope someone will come up and spend some time with me; last year it got kinda lonely up there all by myself. Who knows? This might be the best summer ever!