Monday, June 29, 2009

Some fun times

This weekend was awesome for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being I got to see my awesome college buddy AR. Who I love. Who kills me. Whose sense of humor is unrivaled. Crush much? Yeah, I know, I cant help it--- shes cool and I dont see her often enough to take her for granted.

We met up at her hotel in beantown where I finally got to meet her sweet (and extremely smart) boyfriend. Theyre totally cute and disgusting together--- i love it. We did a little shopping and a LOT of girltalking, and catchin up/bitchin. It was supremely satisfying in a manner I cant really describe. It was like going home: meeting up with a an old friend and picking up where you left off about a million years ago and finding very little has actually changed; there were old jokes, new names, funny stories, pictures, food... ahhh, it was great. I miss my friends from school. I miss them, and I miss being ten minutes away from them.

While I was at school, I didnt think that I would ever miss school. I thought that I would be happy to be done with it and move on without incident. Unfortunately, its definitely the opposite. I wish I were back in college. I wish I was surrounded by people likeminded to myself and vastly different simultaneously. We had tons and nothing in common. We had tons to discuss and tons to talk about, and lots to do and places to be... amazing we got anything done at all, a lot of the time.

Anyway, I got to see my friend. I hope it isnt four years from now when I see her next. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all you dudes out there with offspring. :)

Friday, June 5, 2009


From a fortune cookie from lunch with MO at PF Chang's, like, a million years ago I found in the bottom of a purse today:

"Human invented language to satisfy the need to complain."
