Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Christmas Cake

My 26th birthday is tomorrow. There is a woman in my life right now who is married, 26, pregnant with her first child, and unemployed. I hesitate to refer to her as my friend, because she USED to be, but no longer really is... Anyway.
 She refered to me as "Christmas Cake" the other day. "Christmas Cake," I learned, is something that refers to a woman who is unmarried at the age of 25 and "is reaching her expiration date."

I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she perhaps meant it as a joke; it hurt my feelings, but I sorta grimmaced/smiled and went on my merry way. Her words bothered me a lot, but didnt keep me up at night. I mean, yeah, Im not gonna lie: they bothered me enough that I called my mom and told her I felt down about things and was fairly certain that any choice I made ever would make me even more unhappy because I dont know what I want for breakfast much less what I want for the rest of my life.

The thing is, she called me Christmas Cake again today.

I told her to not call me that; that it bothered me and I found it insulting. I let her know in no uncertain terms that her words were not ok.

Why do people feel like its OK to judge others on the circumstances of their life? Really, does the lack of a marriage certificate and an unoccupied uterus make me less of a human being?

What the hell.