Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holy Snow

We got about ten inches this morning. Im increasingly grateful that in the next three days I will be on my way to a week in Key West. Holy crap. Couldnt have been timed better.

Am picking up GC in Conneticut, and from there we're cruisin' down the eastern seaboard until we hit our destination. Gonna be a good time, Im sure. Theres no one better suited to a road trip than GC, and Im more than stoked to be spending some time with one of my adventure buddies. Cant ever have enough adventure buddies.

The dogs are being naughty because theyre housebound with the snow being so deep. Theyre chasing each other around, and barking like crazy. Luckily, the cat's downstairs and is being pretty quiet.
Im mostly ready for christmas, which is nice. I really wish that we didnt have to work this week, but Im grateful that we all get next week off. Thats pretty generous. MO is headed to Vegas with her family, AL is staying put, SL is headed to New York to see her family, and CL is coming back to Massachusetts. I know that MK and EG's flights from Philly have been cancelled. I also know that TM and AS's flight to California have been delayed and delayed and delayed. I hope that everyone makes it to wherever they need to go.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So, I definitely screwed up today. Annoyed with myself for starting on an assay that has thus taken me ALL DAY two hours later than I ought to have. So Ill be here two hours later than I ought to have been.
Good grief. At least it isnt the day before thanksgiving. That would have been worse. By a lot.
Otherwise, status quo.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy October

That special blue in the sky? My favorite. I cant wait to go camping next weekend and stare up into the sky and drink in that blue. Have to tank up, because that blue is only around for the month of October.
Been sick all week--- worsened on Thursday and Friday. Kinda eased up on Saturday, only to smash back and hit me with another fever. Ugh... Stupid immune system was sleepin at the switch apparently.
My camera has been fixed. I need to send out my passport for renewal and then ill be all set for important stuff to do this quarter.
Dogs are good. Friends are good. :) All in all, life is nice (if fevery).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lots of Good Stuff

So, its been a while since Ive updated this blog, but this has been an amazing month. Ive had more fun this year than I have had in a loooong time combined, but August-September has been particularly awesome.

* ALMOST out of credit card debt. I will be done by next month.
* 3G left on the loan for the car I totalled and no longer have; what I used to pay towards the credit card, will be applied to the car.
* My knee surgery is happening; it is NOT, however, happening any time soon.
* My dogs have been REALLY good
* My new tent arrived! I have plans to use it in the Adirondacks with my best friend.

Its been busy, but its been good. Ill be better at updating, I hope... :)

Monday, August 3, 2009


Been a very good month for me.
New job? Its awesome.
New boss? Definitely more competent than my previous ones.
New coworkers? Infinitely more friendly. (And infinitely less stress-inducing!)

July was awesome. It was incredible. I am so thoroughly pleased.

Am currently planning a hike up Mt. Washington for this weekend.
Am also planning a trip to Honolulu in January. Need to escape, though I may never return. (It will be tempting!)

I am so grateful to be able to sit here and say that at this point in 2009, my life is infinitely better than my life was at this point in 2008. I am so grateful. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Some More Awesome News

I got a new job. I GOT A NEW JOB!! WOOHOO!!!

Im so damn stoked, its almost painful. Its an internal transfer, which is easy, and makes my life pretty easy because i dont have to do exit interviews or anything like that. Its sweet. Im going to the chemistry department, which is a way more cohesive group of people--- all of whom are about my age.

In other news, I leave for vacation tomorrow morning. Im pretty pleased. I have never been to Colorado, and I havent been whitewater rafting in years, so this trip will be pretty cool. Ill try to get my group of friends to do a little rock climbing if possible. Itll be a good trip: whitewater, camping, and a truly cool cross-country drive back. We're driving GC's car back to Conneticut, so Im sure we'll do some pretty cool side-trips.  I leave really early tomorrow morning, which is both awesome and annoying, because Im on the first flight out but I have to wait several hours before any of my friends arrive at Denver. Boo. And BORING. Ill try to do a little walkabout if theres anything near the airport... though, Im sure there will not be. Airports always seem to be really removed from anything commercial.

So, Im trying to relax tonight. Ill take a nice bath, and finish my blueberry tea, play with my dogs, repack and make sure I have all of my chargers and such... itll be such a great trip. I really am excited.

On an unrelated note, I am going camping in August. And I mean, camping-camping: up there 60 miles from anything, a lake, lots of bugs, dirt, rain, tarps, spiders, campfires and all. Cant wait. I just hope someone will come up and spend some time with me; last year it got kinda lonely up there all by myself. Who knows? This might be the best summer ever!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Some fun times

This weekend was awesome for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being I got to see my awesome college buddy AR. Who I love. Who kills me. Whose sense of humor is unrivaled. Crush much? Yeah, I know, I cant help it--- shes cool and I dont see her often enough to take her for granted.

We met up at her hotel in beantown where I finally got to meet her sweet (and extremely smart) boyfriend. Theyre totally cute and disgusting together--- i love it. We did a little shopping and a LOT of girltalking, and catchin up/bitchin. It was supremely satisfying in a manner I cant really describe. It was like going home: meeting up with a an old friend and picking up where you left off about a million years ago and finding very little has actually changed; there were old jokes, new names, funny stories, pictures, food... ahhh, it was great. I miss my friends from school. I miss them, and I miss being ten minutes away from them.

While I was at school, I didnt think that I would ever miss school. I thought that I would be happy to be done with it and move on without incident. Unfortunately, its definitely the opposite. I wish I were back in college. I wish I was surrounded by people likeminded to myself and vastly different simultaneously. We had tons and nothing in common. We had tons to discuss and tons to talk about, and lots to do and places to be... amazing we got anything done at all, a lot of the time.

Anyway, I got to see my friend. I hope it isnt four years from now when I see her next. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all you dudes out there with offspring. :)

Friday, June 5, 2009


From a fortune cookie from lunch with MO at PF Chang's, like, a million years ago I found in the bottom of a purse today:

"Human invented language to satisfy the need to complain."


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Christmas Cake

My 26th birthday is tomorrow. There is a woman in my life right now who is married, 26, pregnant with her first child, and unemployed. I hesitate to refer to her as my friend, because she USED to be, but no longer really is... Anyway.
 She refered to me as "Christmas Cake" the other day. "Christmas Cake," I learned, is something that refers to a woman who is unmarried at the age of 25 and "is reaching her expiration date."

I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she perhaps meant it as a joke; it hurt my feelings, but I sorta grimmaced/smiled and went on my merry way. Her words bothered me a lot, but didnt keep me up at night. I mean, yeah, Im not gonna lie: they bothered me enough that I called my mom and told her I felt down about things and was fairly certain that any choice I made ever would make me even more unhappy because I dont know what I want for breakfast much less what I want for the rest of my life.

The thing is, she called me Christmas Cake again today.

I told her to not call me that; that it bothered me and I found it insulting. I let her know in no uncertain terms that her words were not ok.

Why do people feel like its OK to judge others on the circumstances of their life? Really, does the lack of a marriage certificate and an unoccupied uterus make me less of a human being?

What the hell.