Saturday, October 4, 2008

Step Into Liquid

So, Ive been watching --torturing myself, really-- by watching Step Into Liquid. Its probably my favorite documentary ever, and it has some of the most amazing videography ever. And for those of us with the Ocean Curse (you know who you are and what it is) this is like porno for us. Glistening blue expanses of water doused with brilliant sunshine and specked with sand....

Which leads me into why Ive decided to write something.
Every time I watch this documentary, I inevitably grouse around bitching that I wish I lived somewhere warm and sunny and accessable so that I might be one of those happy surfbunnies on the coast. I ALWAYS mope around saying that I wish the East Coast was the warm side of the country; its not fair, etc. Maybe I should just STFU and head west to SoCal or Hawaii and do it. You know? Get there and be that person I wish I were.

Theres a draw I feel to the ocean--- not one specific coast, but the ocean. Ive felt it since I was kid. If Im more than an hour from the ocean I start to panic. I cant orient myself. Sounds wierd and goofy, but it makes sense. Im used to the gravitation to the beach; the pull of the moon is bigger on the coast-- I feel more in tuned with myself and the world near the coast. I need the ocean.

I have a couple of Spanish pirates in my lineage on my mom's side, and a bunch of fishermen/sailors/Centurions on my dad's. Maybe thats why I need the ocean- its in my blood. I think that the pull of the ocean is something youre born feeling. You can always tell a coastal person when you meet them-- they have a certain kind of bearing. Even if they're type-A, they're an A-typical type-A. If that makes any sense. I mean, all coastal people --true, honest coastal people, not transplants-- are pretty openminded, languid, chill. The type-As are all those things, but with a singular focus. A Midwesterner can always tell a person from the coast--- we just dont fit inland. Theres something off.

I know I want always to be coastal. Just so I have access to a place like what I get to see on Step Into Liquid.